メス © Phil Stouffer
オス © Forest Botial-Jarvis
メス © Justyn Stahl
オス © Matt Brady
+ 2
オス © Qin Huang

アフリカキヌバネドリ Apaloderma narina




A spectacular, mostly iridescent-metallic-green bird, with a scarlet belly, broad yellow bill, and white under tail. The face and throat of the male are green, while the females’ are dirty gray-brown. It sits upright and still in the canopy of riverine and lowland forest, watching for insect prey, then flying fast and directly to catch it. During the breeding season, its soft, deep, throaty “huooo-huooo” call makes it much easier to find. The similar Bare-cheeked Trogon differs by having a face with a large bare yellow skin patches that extend from cheek to bill--not small blue-green spots. Bar-tailed Trogon has a heavily-barred undertail and prefers montane forest above 900 m.