Hembra/macho inmaduro © Brian Daniels
Macho © Andrew Spencer
Inmaduro © Brian Daniels

Papamoscas de las Ryukyu Ficedula owstoni

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Lovely small flycatcher, formerly considered a subspecies of more widely distributed Narcissus Flycatcher. Both sexes are very similar to Narcissus Flycatcher; male averages less black on the crown and back, has a greenish tinge to the upperparts, and lacks Narcissus’s extensive bright orange tones in the throat and brow. Female is extremely similar to female Narcissus, and may be inseparable in many cases; some have a very slight greenish tinge to the upperparts, compared with the warmer brown backs of Narcissus. Young males are similar to females, but with occasional hints of brighter yellowish coloration on the underparts. Endemic to the Ryukyu Islands, but has been known to stray to the East Asian mainland. Inhabits well-shaded hill forests. Song is a bright, whistled series of notes “wee-ti! Wee-dee-di, wee-ti!” Calls include a dry chatter and a low “chuk” note.