成鳥オス © David Monroy Rengifo eBird S63111633 Macaulay Library ML 199409711
メス/オスの未成鳥 © Edwin Munera
幼鳥 © Ferney Salgado CORAVES
成鳥オス © Chris Wood
成鳥オス © Chris Wood
+ 3
成鳥オス © Chris Wood
成鳥オス © Jay McGowan

ゴシキエメラルドフウキンチョウ Chlorochrysa nitidissima




Small stunning tanager with unbelievable color pattern: electric cerulean breast and flanks, black belly, green nape and wings, creamy back, golden face and throat, and black and chestnut ear patch. Sexes similar; females and young birds look duller than males. Uncommon in subtropical forests in the western and central Andes of Colombia. Typically found in pairs or small groups, often following mixed-species flocks. Visits fruit feeders.