מידע עבור:
Adult (Rubeho) © Daniel López-Velasco | Ornis Birding Expeditions eBird S64554560 Macaulay Library ML 209540161
Adult (Mrs. Moreau's) © Charley Hesse
Adult (Mrs. Moreau's) © Charley Hesse

Mrs. Moreau's Warbler Scepomycter winifredae

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

An unusual warbler with a restricted range in the central Tanzanian mountains. Mostly gray, darker on the back, with a rich rufous head and breast. Females are duller. A shy and skulking bird of the understory of montane forest. Usually found in pairs. Somewhat similar to African Tailorbird and Chapin’s Apalis, but chunkier, with more extensive rufous on the head and breast. Normally detected by voice: the male sings a well-spaced series of long, pure whistles, sometimes accompanied in a duet by the female, who gives lower whistles in simple patterns.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN


כניסה לצפייה בסטטיסטיקות שלך

גרף עמודות שבועי

בחירת אזור לצפייה בגרף עמודות שבועי

מפת תפוצה


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