Femelle © Maria Jose Lou
Mâle © Blair Dudeck
Mâle © John van Dort
Mâle © Oliver Burton
+ 2
Femelle © Gordon Karre

Trogon montagnard Trogon mexicanus

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Fairly large trogon of pine and pine-oak forests in highlands; usually at upper levels in trees and often rather shy. Male is striking, with big, bold white squares on underside of tail. Female has broken white eyering on brown head and coarse black-and-white pattern under the tail. Elegant Trogon overlaps in range and can be told from Mountain by the coppery color on the top of the tail (male) or by the white stripe behind the eye (female). Also note the finely patterned tail on both male and female Elegant Trogons. The similar but smaller Collared Trogon is found mainly at lower elevation and has much finer barring on the underside of the tail.