© Paul Chapman
© Rajkumar Das
© John C. Mittermeier
© Yann Kolbeinsson

budníček černonohý Phylloscopus sindianus

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Very similar to Common Chiffchaff, but distinctly darker brown, and lacks any green or yellow tones including uppertail coverts and fringes to wing feathers. Note the brownish wash to underparts, especially the flanks, the rather contrasting whitish throat, and white eyebrow. Bill and legs distinctly black. Short primary projection. Breeds in forested mountains, valleys, and foothills, including low-stature mixed forest; winters in lower elevation scrub, including acacia and tamarisks. Call similar to Siberian Chiffchaff: a high-pitched, slightly downslurred "Piiu." Song similar to Common Chiffchaff but faster and less “organized.”