メス © Adam Jackson
オス © Billi Krochuk
メス © Tanner Martin
オス © Tommy Pedersen

Eastern Miombo Sunbird Cinnyris manoensis




A medium-sized typical ‘double-collared’ sunbird. Larger and longer-billed than similar-plumaged Western Miombo Sunbird (and ranges hardly overlap); Eastern Miombo male has broader red breast band, darker gray belly, and less prominent yellow wingpit tufts. Female and immature have a gray-brown head, pale gray throat, and pale lemon breast and belly. Singles and pairs are residents and nomads in Miombo woodland, gallery forest, arid savanna, and other woodland. Sings a slower, louder, less rambling song than Western Miombo Sunbird that does not end in a long descending trill.