Female © Charles Davies
Female © Charles Davies
Female © Claus Holzapfel
Male © Adrian Hinkle

Medium Tree Finch Camarhynchus pauper

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A critically endangered Galápagos finch found only on the island of Floreana. Bill is moderately curved on both upper and lower edges, and slightly longer than it is deep. Male has a black hood, brownish-olive upperparts, and a pale belly. Female is tan with whitish underparts. Both sexes have faint streaking on the breast. Bill is black on breeding male and orange on female and non-breeding male. Large Tree-Finch has larger and more bulbous bill. Small Tree-Finch has slightly smaller bill and body. Identification is much easier when more than one species is present to allow direct comparison. Medium Tree-Finch inhabits forest mainly in the highlands but is occasionally seen closer to the coast, where it may be only a seasonal visitor.