雌鳥 © John Bruin
雄鳥 © John C. Mittermeier
雌鳥 © Phillip Edwards
雄鳥 © Anonymous
+ 3
雌鳥 © David Beadle
雄性求偶展示 © Lisa & Li Li

Magnificent Bird-of-Paradise Diphyllodes magnificus

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A medium-sized bird of foothill and lower montane forest. Male has bottle green chest and yellow from the back of the neck, both of which it can erect into elaborate ornamentation during the display at a court on the ground. Long, flattened, curly tail feathers reflect blue. The female is brown above and barred below. Male is unmistakable. Female Magnificent is smaller than female parotias and lophorinas, and larger than female King, and has a blue bill and stripe behind the eye. Male gives a series of downslurred “joo!” notes, a loud ringing “jip!” or harsh rasps.