成鳥オス © AREF ALAWADHI eBird S47634850 Macaulay Library ML 109615951
成鳥メス © António Gonçalves
幼鳥 © Otto Samwald
成鳥オス © Jens Eriksen

シロクロモズ Lanius nubicus




A delicate-looking long-tailed shrike with striking black-and-white plumage. The male has a rich rusty breast and sides. Female like male but duller, with juvenile grayer and more barred on the upperparts and sides. Often pumps long tail. Forages mainly on arthropods, which it locates from prominent perches. Breeds in a range of wooded habitats, from Mediterranean scrub to open forests and overgrown orchards. During migration, can be seen in various habitats, including gardens and arid zones. Often favors more densely vegetated habitats than other shrikes. Gives a dry “tchrtchrtchr.”