成鳥オス © Prabhakar Manjunath eBird S52097191 Macaulay Library ML 138161791
成鳥メス © Rajinikanth Kasthuri
未成鳥 © S S Suresh
成鳥オス © Alan Van Norman
オスとメス © Anonymous
+ 2
成鳥 © Stefan Hirsch

ミドリワカケインコ Psittacula columboides




This striking parakeet is restricted to the forests of India’s Western Ghats. Bluish-gray male has a bright red upper bill and a black-and-blue collar. The greener female has an all-dark bill and a weaker black collar. Both sexes have blue in the wings and tail, though male’s is more prominent. Gives harsh, buzzy, high-pitched screeching, often as the birds shoot overhead. Favors forest and forest edge.