オス © Niall D Perrins eBird S47248152 Macaulay Library ML 225784291
メス © Chris Barnes
メス © Chris Wiley
オス © Markus Lilje
オス © Chris Barnes

ウナリウロコフウチョウ Ptiloris intercedens




A large bird of lowland and foothill forest in eastern New Guinea. The bill is fairly long, slightly curved and more feathered in the base than its sister species. Male is mainly black with a blue breast shield, bordered with a pale line below. Female and juveniles are brown above and pale below with dark barring. Almost identical to the more widespread Magnificent Riflebird but does not co-occur. Female similar to female Twelve-wired Bird-of-Paradise, but has a striped rather than black head. More often heard than seen. Voice, a growled “raahh! raooo!”.