adultes Männchen (Mangrove) © Neoh Hor Kee eBird S28075343 Macaulay Library ML 25530001
adultes Männchen (Philippine) © Djop Tabaranza
adultes Weibchen (Mangrove) © Neoh Hor Kee
adultes Weibchen (Philippine) © Forest Botial-Jarvis
adultes Männchen (Mangrove) © Mallika Rajasekaran
+ 4
adultes Männchen (Philippine) © George Inocencio
adultes und juveniles Männchen (Mangrove) © Neoh Hor Kee
adultes Männchen (Mangrove) © JEK YAP

Mangroveblauschnäpper Cyornis rufigastra

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Bright blue-and-orange flycatcher of coastal woodlands; found in mangroves, mangrove edge, coastal scrub, and plantations. Can be common on small, forested offshore islands where other blue flycatchers are absent. Male and female are similar, but the female has lighter orange underparts and a pale patch between the eye and the base of the bill. Habitat generally serves to identify this species, but also note extent of orange underparts, pale blue patch on the forehead, short bill, and dark rump and tail. Both sexes sing, giving a short but beautiful series of fluty whistles. Calls include a fast buzzing rattle and tapping notes, comparable to rocks being struck together.