Дані для:
Самець © Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok eBird S60774227 Macaulay Library ML 186558211
Самець © Ayuwat Jearwattanakanok
Самець © Mikael Käll
Самець © Laurie Koepke
Самець © Kuang-Ping Yu

Сіпарая золотогорла Aethopyga shelleyi

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A tiny bird of wooded areas from the lowlands to the mountains of Palawan and neighboring islands. Has a fairly long, curved bill, a whitish belly, and olive wings. Male has a pointed green tail, a bright red back, sides, and head, a purple crown and moustache stripe, and a yellow chest with fine red streaking. Male is unmistakable. The drab female is similar to other female sunbirds, but is the only one with a combination of very small size, pale underparts, and olive wings. Voice is a repeated up-and-down “chip-chap! chip-chap! chip-chap!”

Працює за допомогою MERLIN


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