Female © Richard Fuller
Female © Pavel Parkhaev
Male © Vincent Wang
Male © Yasuhiko Komatsu

ורדית ארוכת-זנב Carpodacus sibiricus

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Large, plump finch of the boreal forest. Adult males are pink overall with two white wingbars and pale gray highlights. Immature males and females are not so bright but still subtly pretty; gray body with olive, yellow, or burnt-orange head and rump. Stubby bill with rounded edges. Song consists of rich, mellow warbles; listen for musical flight calls. Breeds in open coniferous forests. Winters in a variety of wooded habitats, especially around fruiting trees including crabapple and mountain ash. Often extremely tame, allowing close approach.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN