オスの未成鳥 © kenneth reyes
メス © Ruth Rodriguez
オス © Moises Rodriguez
オス © John van Dort
+ 4
メス © Ruth Rodriguez
オスの未成鳥 © Marcelo Corella
オス © Guillermo Saborío Vega

オナガセアオマイコドリ Chiroxiphia linearis




Attractive, chunky little bird of tropical forest in dry and humid lowlands and foothills. Away from display areas, usually found in ones and twos perched quietly or feeding at fruiting trees and bushes from understory to canopy. Complex displays involve loud whistles and interactions between two males. Adult male is unmistakable. Female and young are greenish overall with orange legs and rather long tail. Immature males have varying degrees of adult male plumage; the sky-blue back being the last feature to appear.