Female © Simon Carter
Male and immature © Stefan Helming
Male © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Male © Maurizio Ravasini
+ 2
Male © Piet Grasmaijer

Сорокопуд савановий Lanius cabanisi

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A large black-and-white fiscal with a long tail. Note the small white patch at the front of the wing and the white rump, both of which are conspicuous in flight. Males have plain white underparts, while females have a small chestnut patch on the sides. Found in savanna, woodland, and scrub, almost always in small groups of 4-10 individuals. Similar in overall coloration to other fiscals in its range, but easily separated by its larger size. The vocalizations are sliding, metallic-sounding whistles as well as rasps, usually given in chorus by a whole group.

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