Data for:
Adult © Andy Liu
Adult © Brian Sullivan
Adult © Aaron Marshall
Juvenile © Nicole Desnoyers
+ 4
Adult © Neil Rucker
Adult © Christopher Clark
Adult © Susan Stanton

Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus

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Black-masked bandit of open areas with some bushes and trees. Bold black, white, and gray pattern is distinctive; also note stout hooked bill. Usually seen singly or in pairs, often perched conspicuously on a treetop or utility wire. Fairly widespread in southern and western North America, but never abundant, and declining over much of range. Carnivorous habits make shrikes unique among passerines; they feed on rodents and small birds. Undulating flight; watch for white patches in the wings. May overlap with Northern Shrike in winter; Loggerhead is slightly smaller, darker, and lacks white around the eye.



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