מידע עבור:
Adult (Long-billed) © Niall D Perrins eBird S61768710 Macaulay Library ML 216043621
Adult (Long-billed) © Peter Ericsson
Adult (Long-billed) © Charley Hesse
Adult (Long-billed) © Peter Ericsson
Adult (Long-billed) © Markus Lilje

Long-billed Tailorbird Artisornis moreaui

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

Inconspicuous, apalis-like grayish warbler with a long tail, straight thin bill, and buff-brown forehead. Isolated population in Mozambique, sometimes considered a different species (Njesi Tailorbird), is smaller, darker, and browner on the head. Singles and pairs are very low density, shy and creep slowly through the undergrowth and canopy, especially nearby streams; sometimes joins mixed-species flocks. Song a pleasant sweet bouncing “eeh-yuh, eeh-yuh, eeh-yuh” or strident “peelik-peelik-peelik”, sometimes joined in duet with a dry buzzing “dzit”; call a high-pitched “chhet” like a squeaky dog’s toy. Similar Brown-headed Apalis is shorter-billed than Long-billed Tailorbird and has white tips to the tail.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN


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