© Robert Lewis
© Jay McGowan
© Jay McGowan
© Gerry Hawkins

Long-billed Starthroat Heliomaster longirostris

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Rather large hummingbird of humid evergreen forest and edge in tropical lowlands; uncommon. Feeds mainly in the canopy, but also over clearings and streams where it hawks for insects with jerky flycatching sallies. Note the very long, straight bill, dark throat bordered by a broad whitish mustache, turquoise crown, and white patch above the rump. Sexes look similar, but immature lacks adult’s red color in throat (which is very difficult to see; throat usually appears blackish). Usually has a white spot behind the eye, not a whitish stripe like Plain-capped Starthroat. Also note greenish, not dusky sides as on Plain-capped Starthroat.