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© Agus Jati
© Anonymous
© Rajdeep Mitra
© Denis Tétreault

Long-billed Plover Thinornis placidus

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Medium-sized plover. Breeds in flowing rivers with shingle islands and banks; outside of breeding season, can be found in slower rocky rivers, as well as flooded fields and lakeshores. Resembles a larger version of Little Ringed Plover—similarly brown, white below, with black neck band, white collar, and white supercilium—but lacks the yellow eyering of Little and is much larger, with longer wings and tail giving Long-billed a very different shape. Sometimes difficult to spot, as it is well camouflaged among rocks and pebbles, and often first detected by its sharp alarm call, “piwee”, given when flushed. Longer bill not an especially reliable feature for field identification.



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