繁殖期のオス © Ana Paula Oxom eBird S47962367 Macaulay Library ML 115165351
繁殖期のメス © Simon Carter
非繁殖期の成鳥 © Eric Francois Roualet
未成鳥 © Chris Wood
非繁殖期の成鳥 (with Black-headed Weaver) © Marie O'Neill
+ 3
換羽中のオス © David Beadle
© Frances Oliver

ヒメハタオリ Ploceus luteolus




Minuscule yellow weaver. Breeding males have a clean black face mask and pure lemon underparts. Females and non-breeding males have a streaked back and pale face and underparts. Found in savanna and sometimes cultivated areas. Usually in pairs or small groups; not as social as some weavers. Vocalizations are typical of weavers: “chet” notes and a sizzling, “radio static” song. Most similar to Slender-billed Weaver, but found in different habitat, and has a much stubbier bill. Separated from all other weavers by its small size.