成鳥オス © Benoit Maire eBird S58836744 Macaulay Library ML 175040601
成鳥メス © John Drummond
幼鳥 © Gerd Schön
成鳥オス © Zak Pohlen
成鳥メス © Ann Truesdale
+ 2
成鳥オス © Sue Wright

カワリツグミヒタキ Monticola imerina




Chunky, mid-sized robin-like bird. Males are pale gray and orange, while females are gray-brown. Madagascar endemic that is found in coastal spiny forest and scrub in the southwest. Perches up conspicuously. Song is a variable mix of thin whistles and raspy notes. Paler than Forest Rock-Thrush, with little or no overlap in range. Female similar to female Madagascar Magpie-Robin, but smaller and grayer, without white patch in the wing.