© Subhadra Devi
© Luke Seitz
© Jason Coutinho
© Albin Jacob
+ 2
© Shanmugam Kalidass

Баклан яванський Microcarbo niger

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An all black ducklike waterbird with a distinctive flattish head and a bill that is sharply hooked at the tip. Smallest of the cormorants found in the region. Breeding adults have white plumes on the sides of the head. Like all cormorants, frequently seen swimming with its body low in the water, head and neck pointing upward, and suddenly disappearing underwater to catch fish. Often perches upright on a rock, drying itself with outstretched wings. Seen singly or in small groups in inland water bodies. Similar to Indian Cormorant, but note smaller size, stouter bill, and shape of the head, flat on Little Cormorant and rounded on Indian Cormorant.

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