Самець © Nick Athanas eBird S49586111 Macaulay Library ML 121448261
Самиця © Roger Ahlman
Самець © Noah Strycker
Самець © Stephen Davies
Самиця © Tom Pavlik

Сорокуш андійський Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus

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Handsome, strongly patterned bird with a stout bill. Inhabits dense vegetation at edge of humid forest in the eastern foothills of the Andes. Male is densely barred black and white. Female is barred on underparts but also has chestnut back, wings, tail, and crown. Male similar to male Barred Antshrike but darker and usually found at higher elevations. Female is identical in plumage to female Chestnut-backed Antshrike; their ranges come close in Peru but are not known to overlap. Song is a nasal “bouncing ball” series that ends with a single higher note.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN