成鳥 © Bruce Ward-Smith eBird S35498295 Macaulay Library ML 133211151
成鳥 © Celeste Morien
未成鳥 © Vivek Menon
成鳥 © Michael McCloy
成鳥 © Vivek Menon

ヒメバン Paragallinula angulata




Small, reclusive moorhen. Often confused with the much more common and extroverted Common Moorhen. Lesser Moorhen is smaller and has a narrower white streak along the side, a mostly yellow bill, and all-yellow legs. Immature is brownish - warmer brown than immature Common Moorhen - with a yellow bill. Found in wetlands, especially grassy, seasonally flooded ones. Shy and retiring. Calls a series of clucks or drier “chak” notes.