Самец в брачном наряде © Wolfe R eBird S57978894 Macaulay Library ML 167332741
Самка/молодой самец © Russ Morgan
Негнездящийся самец © Jim Merritt
Молодая птица © Lee-Hong Chang
Самка/молодой самец © Mary Rumple
+ 3
Самец в брачном наряде © Alix d'Entremont
Самец в брачном наряде © Jesse Amesbury

Лазурный колорин Passerina amoena

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Breeding males are unmistakable: bright cerulean above with bold white wingbars, white belly, and orange breast. Females are plain buffy brown with paler wingbars and slightly brighter orangey breast. Breeds on shrubby hillsides and other semiopen habitats in western North America. Males often sing from a high exposed perch. Winters mainly in Mexico, where it frequently gathers in flocks in weedy fields. Females can be very difficult to distinguish from Indigo Bunting, although their range doesn't overlap much. Lazuli never shows streaks below like female Indigo Bunting often does; also note bolder wingbars, brighter breast, and less contrasting pale throat.