メス © Terry Rosenmeier
オス © Jun MATSUI
メス © Dustin Chen
オス © Chris Barnes
+ 4
オス © Dustin Chen
メス © Myles McNally
生息環境 © Neil Osborne

Lawes's Parotia Parotia lawesii




A fairly large, short-tailed bird of mid-montane forest canopy. Male is mainly black with a white stripe from the forehead, extending down over the bill, a bronzy-scaled chest and 6 antennalike feathers projecting from the back of the head. Note the blue eyes. The female is warm-brown above with barred underparts and a black head. The male has an elaborate dance at a terrestrial display court. Co-occurs with Carola’s Parotia but male Lawes’s lacks white flanks and female has a darker head. Female lophorinas are smaller and have a pale eyebrow stripe. The vocalizations include various rasps and parrotlike squawks.