Data for:
Adult (Oriental) © Bill Bacon eBird S35099463 Macaulay Library ML 51858501
Adult (East Asian) © Isolith Huang
Adult (Javan) © Forest Botial-Jarvis
Adult (Javan) © Michael Fuhrer
Adult (Oriental) © Sayam U. Chowdhury
+ 3
Adult (Javan) © Forest Botial-Jarvis
Adult (East Asian) © Isolith Huang

Oriental Cuckooshrike Coracina javensis

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A large gray cuckooshrike with a strong, hooked bill. Upperparts are mostly gray with black primaries; male darker than female. Rump and upper tail are paler than back, which is apparent in flight. Male has gray throat and upper breast becoming paler on the belly. Female generally has paler underparts with faint gray bars except from the lower belly to the tail. Both sexes have a dark patch from the bill to slightly behind the eye, giving a masked impression. Juvenile is brownish, heavily scaled with whitish-buff, and mottled on the underparts. Immature has broader white edges to wing feathers. Vocal. Call is a two-noted, rather nasal “gii-yaak,” uttered in flight as well as from a perch. Inhabits lightly wooded country, avoiding wet forests.



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