Female © Marco Valentini
Male © Luke Seitz
Male © Magnus Grylle

קוקיה קלאסית Chrysococcyx klaas

כניסה לצפייה בתגים שלך


מופעל על ידי MERLIN

A small, greenish cuckoo. The male has plain white underparts and glossy green upperparts; note dark spurs that extend from the head down onto the lower throat, as well as conspicuous white patch behind the eye. The female is barred with greenish-bronze on the back; her head is gray-brown; and her underparts are barred brown-and-white. It eats caterpillars and larvae, and its preferred brood-parasite hosts are batises, small warblers, and sunbirds. A fairly common resident and migrant, it is much more conspicuous when incessantly repeating its plaintive “meeee-jtie, meeee-tjie” call.

מופעל על ידי MERLIN