繁殖期の成鳥 © Thomas Kallmeyer eBird S19105742 Macaulay Library ML 88980171
非繁殖期の成鳥 © Greg Bodker
繁殖期の成鳥 © Oscar Johnson
繁殖期の成鳥 © Doug Gochfeld
繁殖期の成鳥 © Bill Schmoker

コバシウミスズメ Brachyramphus brevirostris




Small, oblong-shaped seabird. Breeding plumage mottled brown; darkness varies, but often shows golden tint. Nonbreeding plumage dark gray above and white below, with a white face and large white wing patch. Nests in crevices in rocky scree slopes, particularly around glaciers; forages in coastal glacial outflows. Similar to Marbled and Long-billed Murrelets, but with shorter bill and white outer tail feathers; breeding birds average paler with speckled back, while nonbreeders show white on face extending above the eye.