成鳥 © Bonnie Ott
ヒナ © Jay McGowan
成鳥 © Kai Sheffield
成鳥 © Ryan Schain
+ 3
成鳥 © Charlie Shields
成鳥 © Scott Glosserman

フタオビチドリ Charadrius vociferus




Common, large plover. Slender shape with long wings and tail. Look for two black breast bands, unique among plovers in its range. Often nests near human development: parking lots, school roofs, road edges, and farms, usually on bare gravel. Adults perform broken-wing displays to distract predators from their nests and young. Gathers in larger numbers in migration and winter, often in fields with short grass or barren dirt. Occurs throughout North America; more local along the Pacific coast of northern South America. Can be very vocal; listen for loud namesake “kill-deer” call.