繁殖期のオス (Kentish) © Mário Estevens eBird S32854712 Macaulay Library ML 44590901
繁殖期のメス (Kentish) © L M
非繁殖期の成鳥 (Kentish) © Markus Craig
メスと幼鳥 (Indian) © Aravind Amirtharaj
幼鳥 (Kentish) © Behrad Farkhondeh
+ 4
非繁殖期の成鳥 © Julie Sarna
ヒナ (Indian) © TheNatureTrust (GroupAccount)
生息環境 © Mário Estevens

シロチドリ Anarhynchus alexandrinus




Small, pale plover with broken black collar, sandy upperparts, grayish legs, and rather fine black bill. Breeding plumage has black mask and black tabs at sides of breast (not a complete band). Nonbreeding plumages have black replaced by brown. Mainly coastal, on sandy beaches, dry mudflats, and at salt ponds, usually near water; also locally inland. Migrants will join with flocks of other shorebirds.