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© Tom Johnson
© Garrett MacDonald
© Eliana Ardila Kramer (Birding By Bus)

Jamaican Blackbird Nesopsar nigerrimus

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A species of higher elevation woodlands where it is often found feeding high in the trees, even near the forest canopy, rather unlike other blackbird species. Indeed, any blackbird found foraging within Jamaica’s upper elevation forests is very likely this species. Its plumage is all black, its tail is short, and the bill is moderately long and slim. The similar Shiny Cowbird has a shorter, stouter bill and a longer tail. The Greater Antillean Grackle is larger, longer-tailed, and has a pale (not dark) eye. The song is a wheezy “whee-whee-oooo” and variations thereof; common call is emphatic, squeaky “wheet.”



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