Data for:
© Phillip Edwards
© Don Danko
© Luis Piñeyrua
© Amed Hernández
+ 2
© Francisco Castro Carmona

Southern House Wren Troglodytes musculus

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Small brownish wren, rather plain overall, with dark barring on the wings and tail. Lacks white eyebrow. Occurs in a variety of open or semiopen habitats from sea level to treeline and even higher, including parks, rural farmland, and woodland edge with thick tangles. Often perches conspicuously when singing, but otherwise fairly secretive. Listen for bubbly song of chatters and trills, and harsh scolding calls.



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Weekly Bar Chart

Week Frequency: 8.8 Week Frequency: 6.1 Week Frequency: 2.3 Week Frequency: 1.4 Week Frequency: 1.4 Week Frequency: 2.8 Week Frequency: 3.2 Week Frequency: 6.8 Week Frequency: 1.5 Week Frequency: 3.9 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 2.2 Week Frequency: 5.0 Week Frequency: 7.0 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 2.6 Week Frequency: 0.1 Week Frequency: 9.4 Week Frequency: 5.0 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 7.1 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 2.4 Week Frequency: 1.0 Week Frequency: 6.5 Week Frequency: 1.6 Week Frequency: 2.5 Week Frequency: 5.6 Week Frequency: 3.9 Week Frequency: 4.6 Week Frequency: 10.8 Week Frequency: 9.1 Week Frequency: 6.3 Week Frequency: 4.5 Week Frequency: 0 Week Frequency: 7.9 Week Frequency: 4.2 Week Frequency: 4.8 Week Frequency: 5.9 Week Frequency: 7.7 Week Frequency: 3.4 Week Frequency: 6.2 Week Frequency: 7.9 Week Frequency: 0.8 Week Frequency: 3.9 Week Frequency: 1.3 Week Frequency: 7.7 Week Frequency: 3.3
Weekly Bar Chart

Range Map


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