Female © Ramon Quisumbing
Male © Carmelo López Abad
Male © William Price
Female © Pete Simpson
+ 5
Male © Chris Chafer
Male © Chris Chafer
Female © Mohit Kumar Ghatak
Female © Paul Bourdin

Сіпарая сіроголова Aethopyga primigenia

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A small bird of lower-elevation montane forest on Mindanao. Has a gray hood and chest, an olive-green back and wings, a white upper belly, a yellow lower belly and sides, and a white-tipped tail. Male has a green forehead and cheek patches. Males from northeast Mindanao have an additional yellow stripe down the upper chest. Similar to Apo and Tboli Sunbirds, but Gray-hooded has a white upper belly. Voice includes a fast series of high-pitched “whip!” notes.

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