© Mike Prince
© Prashant Tewari
© Vichaya Auvichayapat
© Ashwin Viswanathan

Канарниця сіроголова Culicicapa ceylonensis

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An unmistakable, dainty woodland flycatcher with a slightly peaked head shape. It has a gray head and upper breast with a narrow white eyering. Upperparts are olive-green; breast and belly are bright yellow. An active member of mixed-species foraging flocks, but also seen singly or in pairs. Quite vocal, with a loud, squeaky whistled song delivered throughout the year: “wi-tu-wi-tu-wee!” or “wi-wuh-wuh-wee!!”. Frequently gives a rapid-fire series of high bouncy notes that rises quickly, then trails off. Other calls include sharp “chilup,” “kitwik,” or “chit” notes repeated a few times.

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