© Holger Teichmann
© u7 Liao
© Christoph Moning
© Frederic Liu
+ 3
© Christoph Moning
© Yen ruiyiy

Снігур тайванський Pyrrhula owstoni

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Chubby Taiwan endemic with a black “robber’s” mask. Formerly considered part of Gray-headed Bullfinch. Male is pearly gray overall with a pale tan spur on the sides (often difficult to see). Female has a gray head and warm brown back and belly. Both sexes have a glossy black tail and wing markings. Breeds in coniferous and mixed montane and foothill forests; sometimes descends to lower elevations during the winter. Song is a chattering series of whistles and distinctly dry and raspingly creaky notes. Calls are soft and mellow-sounding, usually a “poo-yee” or “pooe” note.

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