© Jack Parlapiano
© Marky Mutchler
© Marky Mutchler
© Darren Clark

ハイイロメジロハエトリ Empidonax wrightii




Drab, pale-gray flycatcher with little plumage contrast; very similar to other flycatchers, especially Dusky and Hammond's. Often best identified by unique habit of wagging tail downward. Breeding habitat also distinctive: lower, more open habitat than other flycatchers, usually in sagebrush or open juniper forest. In migration and winter, habitat overlaps more with other flycatchers, but still tends to prefer more open areas. Other subtle differences in appearance include shorter wingtips, longer bill, and paler plumage. Song includes hoarse "chivik" phrase and higher, clearer "pseeoo." Call similar to Dusky. Without an excellent view, sometimes best left unidentified.