成鳥オス © Darren Clark eBird S28893795 Macaulay Library ML 52546901
メス © Jamie Chavez
成鳥オス © terence zahner
メス © Cameron Eckert
成鳥オス © sam hough
+ 2
生息環境 © Stacy Holt

オナガクロムクドリモドキ Quiscalus mexicanus




Large, lanky blackbird with flat crown and long tail. Males have ridiculously long tails, almost as long as their body, often held in a V-shape. Males are glossy black. Females are brown with paler eyebrow and throat. Eyes yellow to white; dusky for immatures. In coastal Texas, where its range overlaps with Boat-tailed Grackle, note habitat (more generalized as opposed to strictly saltmarsh) and pale eye (not brown).