未成鳥 © Rui Jorge
成鳥 © Brooke Miller
成鳥 © Brooke Miller
成鳥 © Brooke Miller
+ 3
未成鳥 © Eitan Altman
未成鳥 © John C Sullivan

マダラカンムリカッコウ Clamator glandarius




Distinctive, boldly patterned cuckoo with a spiffy crest and white-spotted wings. Adult has a gray crest and gray-brown back. Juveniles are even more contrasting, with a rusty wing panel and black crest and back. Typically restless, making short flights often and hopping on the ground with tail raised. A nest parasite of corvids (crows, jays, and relatives). Found in semiarid open woodland and dry savannas. Noisy, often giving "krree krree krree" calls.