成鳥オス © Ryan Sanderson Macaulay Library ML 148505351
成鳥メス © Ronald Goddard
成鳥オス © Bryan Calk
ディスプレイ © Chris Wood
成鳥オス © Chris Wood
+ 4
成鳥オス © Christian Hagenlocher
成鳥オス © Ryan Sanderson
生息環境 © Paul Roisen

ソウゲンライチョウ Tympanuchus cupido




Plump, chickenlike bird found in grasslands. Body and wings entirely barred brown with paler buffy throat. In spring, males gather at display site and dance to attract females: look for them hunched over with earlike feathers protruding from the head and yellowish-orange skin exposed on the neck. Inconspicuous and difficult to find away from display sites. Separate from Lesser Prairie-Chicken by range; averages slightly darker and larger than Lesser. Darker than Sharp-tailed Grouse with more heavily barred sides and belly; rounded tail.