© Kavi Nanda
© Sathyan Meppayur
© Rajesh Mangal
© Tommy Pedersen

Синиця південноазійська Parus cinereus

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Працює за допомогою MERLIN

An uncrested gray, black, and off-white tit of light woodlands. Males and females have a white cheek patch, a gray back, and a white wingbar. A broad black central line, that is widest on throat, runs from the throat to the lower belly. The female has a narrower central line on its underparts and is slightly duller overall. Sings variations of a three noted “swee-che-ti” or a “sewe-pewe” repeated 4-5 times at length. Calls include small chatters. Very active; feeds at the middle and upper-strata of forests and woodlands and in gardens and cultivated areas, but avoids dense forests.

Працює за допомогою MERLIN