Самець © Nic Allen eBird S12034703 Macaulay Library ML 35126231
Самиця © Graham Montgomery
Самець © Andres Vasquez Noboa
Самець © Graham Montgomery
Самиця © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
+ 4
Самець © Claudia Brasileiro
Самець © Naseem Reza
Самець © Ting-Wei (廷維) HUNG (洪)

Колібрі-голкохвіст зелений Discosura conversii

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Tiny hummingbird with short straight bill. Male all shimmering green with distinctive, long, pointed tail feathers. Female has short tail and a distinctive white mustache. Both sexes show white band across rump. Most similar to coquettes but without orangey tones. Found in forested habitats and gardens; visits feeders.

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