(Gray) © Ian Davies
(Gray) © Peter Alfrey
(Timneh) © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
(Gray) © Dubi Shapiro

ヨウム Psittacus erithacus




Large gray parrot with a white face and red tail. The tail is bright red in most of the range, but brick red in the western part of the range. Main habitat is lowland and mid-elevation forest, but will sometimes also use gallery forest, secondary forest, mangroves, and cultivated areas, especially oil palm. Found in pairs or small groups. Very similar to Timneh Parrot, but little or no overlap in range, and separated by the bright red rather than brick red tail, as well as the black rather than pinkish top of the bill.Gives a wide variety of loud vocalizations including whistles, bell-like notes, and screeches.