© Fabio Olmos
© Michael Todd
© Michael Todd
© Ana Melisa Fernandes

Büyük Çiçekdelen Diglossa major

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Small, dark gray bird of highland forest. Gray plumage is set off by chestnut undertail coverts and black mask and chin, which contrast with the pale silvery bill. Distinctive bill shape can be difficult to discern at a distance. Found only at high elevations (above 1000 m) in the tepui highlands, where it is a locally fairly common resident of humid forest and scrub. In taller forest, it is generally in the canopy but may occasionally descend into the understory. Often observed at fruiting and flowering trees and shrubs, where it plucks fruit and pierces into the bases of flowers to drink nectar. Also follows mixed-species flocks. Unusual song is a mix of high peeping and harsh grating notes; the peeping notes are also given as a contact call. Considerably larger than other flowerpiercers, and unlikely to be mistaken for other species in its limited range.