© Bradley Hacker 🦜
© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
© Frans Vandewalle
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© Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography

Green Crombec Sylvietta virens

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A small, virtually tailless olive-green bird. Note the slightly darker cap and the pale eyebrow. There is geographical variation in the color of the underparts, which vary from brown-and-gray to buff-and-yellow. Found at middle levels and in the understory of rainforest, secondary growth, and scrub, often in pairs or small groups. Very similar to Lemon-bellied Crombec, but slightly larger, longer-billed, and even the subspecies that shows yellow on the belly is duller yellow below than Lemon-bellied. An inconspicuous bird that is most often detected by its song, a quick musical warble in a descending pattern.



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