Дорослий птах (Gray-backed) © Chris Sayers eBird S51326798 Macaulay Library ML 136696581
Дорослий птах (Green-backed) © Anya Auerbach
Дорослий птах (Gray-backed) © Deb Ford
Дорослий птах (Green-backed) © Jan Hansen
Дорослий птах (Gray-backed) © Morgan Van Peursem

Цвіркач зелений Camaroptera brachyura

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A small, rotund, wren-like warbler of the understory that often leans forward and cocks its short narrow tail. This species has red eyes, olive-green wings, and gray-white underparts. There are two groups that are sometimes treated as different species: (1) “green-backed” birds along the eastern seaboard of Africa from southeast Kenya to coastal South Africa; and (2) “gray-backed” birds in the remainder of Africa. Pairs inhabit thickets and riverine woodland in arid and moist savanna, forest, and forest edge, hopping about, often low to the ground, searching for small insects. Their two common vocalizations are a nasal “meehrrp” alarm call that gives them the moniker “bleating warbler” and a strident, repeated snapping “strik-strik-strik-strik-strik” song.

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