成鳥オス © Yve Morrell eBird S61590956 Macaulay Library ML 188890071
成鳥メス © Margareta Wieser
未成鳥 © Lorenzo Calcaño
成鳥オス © Homer Gardin
成鳥メス © Margareta Wieser
+ 2
成鳥オス © Margareta Wieser

キムネミドリカザリドリ Pipreola aureopectus




Chubby, medium-sized bird with green and yellow body, short tail, orange eyes, and small orange bill. Male has black lores and chin, bright yellow throat and chest, and yellow belly with green streaks; female lacks black face and has yellowish underparts with green streaks. Often follows mixed-species flocks or perches quietly in the middle to high levels of the forest. Fairly common in forested habitats from foothills to highlands. Very vocal; listen for a very high-pitched song that starts out descending and then ascends and stops suddenly: “pseEEEeeeeeeeeaaaeeeeEET.” Female distinguished from Handsome Fruiteater by green streaks (not bars) on underparts.