Macho © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography eBird S65190243 Macaulay Library ML 206005641
Hembra © Vasco Valadares
Macho © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
Macho © Fabio Olmos
Hembra © Alain Jacot
+ 3
Macho © Thibaud Aronson
Hembra © Phil Hyde

Giant Weaver Ploceus grandis

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A spectacular enormous weaver endemic to São Tomé, with a robust barbet-like bill and a bulky head. Adult male has a black head and a chestnut collar that extends to the breast. Female is dull, with a buff wash on the breast. Juvenile is like the female, but browner on the upperparts. Fairly common in forest, forest edge, and plantations. Found in pairs and small groups. Song is a winding gurgle that ends with a wheezing fizzle: “drrt-drrt-drrt-grrzzzztztztztz.” Other weavers on São Tomé are much smaller, and their males lack chestnut coloration.